Vancouver and Goals

Hi all! Sorry for the slow updates!

Recently, I just traveled to Vancouver to the yearly North American Kokusai Renmei MJER Iaido to do training and take my dan test. I’m relieved to say that I passed my test and am officially sandan! Sandan means “3rd rank” and there’s really no end to learning this martial art or any martial art for that matter. The bigger challenge is, however, to help coordinate my home dojo’s seminar for next year!

That’s a quick snippet of my busy-bee life! There’s more obstacles to come. I will announce that starting from this post, I will state what I learned or accomplished regarding to making this site. Eventually, I hope this blog and site will serve as a tutorial to others for those trying to start their own site using jekyll (or really anything)! For this post, I will list the commands used in the Terminal (MacOSX) that are most frequently used for jekyll since I’ve been referring to the documentation every single time I write a post!

Frequently used Terminal commands:

Frequently used Jekyll commands:

Make sure that you are in the directory with the folder where jekyll build the site first!

As I almost finished up my post, I forgot the formatting was all wrong and so I went on to find the syntax for Markdown and got everything I needed :)